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EMBO Member

Leonie S. Young

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin | Ireland

EMBO 2024

Epi-alterations in breast cancer brain metastasis

My research focuses on epigenetics and epitranscriptomics in the context of tumour plasticity in breast cancer brain metastasis. While DNA mutations play a significant role in the development of aggressive cancer, the contribution of epigenomics and epitranscriptomics is rapidly gaining recognition. Our work exploits the highly dynamic nature of breast cancer brain metastasis, to develop radical new strategies to treat this underserved patient population.

Keywords: Breast cancer / brain metastasis / estrogen receptor / genomic profiling / transcriptomics / epi-genomics / epi-tRNAscriptomics

Subject area(s): Molecular Medicine | Genomic & Computational Biology | Chromatin & Transcription
