EMBO Member
Universität, Köln | Germany
EMBO 1996 | MemPubC 02–04 | MemC 05–07 | Council 09–10 | TemC 10–11 | Director 10–21 | EEsC 10–21
We study several morphogenetic processes in Drosophila development: the transcriptional cascade causing cell shape changes in the future mesoderm during gastrulation; the role of RNA localisation in the tracheal system; and the role of cell polarity and junctions in both systems as well as during wound healing. In zebrafish, we investigate interferon signalling, inflammation, and novel immune recognition molecules using genetics and live imaging techniques.
Keywords: Morphogenesis / development / Drosophila / cytoskeleton / cell polarity / cell shape changes / gastrulation / wound healing / innate immunity / zebrafish
Subject area(s): Cell & Tissue Architecture | Development | Immunology