EMBO Young Investigator
Academia Sinica, Taipei | Taiwan
YIP 2021–2025
My group studies the molecular interactions between carnivorous fungi and nematodes. We established two predatory fungal models, the nematode-trapping fungi (NTF) Arthrobotrys oligospora and the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, to study their interactions with C. elegans at cellular and molecular levels. We aim to harness the nematocidal ability of these fungi and use them as models to study the mechanisms of predator-prey co-evolution.
Keywords: Fungi-nematode interactions / C. elegans / nematode-trapping fungi / Pleurotus / predator-prey interactions & coevolution
Subject area(s): Development | Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens | Evolution & Ecology